Text Properties


BG Color/Image







Text Boxes

Text Effects

Text Properties

Change the Color of Your Text
To change the color of your text, type bracket (<) FONT COLOR=#12345 where #12345 is the number of the color you wish your text to be or the name of one of the predifined colors. End bracket (>). Click here to get a catalog of colors. Example of number: (FONT COLOR=#FF9C4A). Example of predifined: (FONT COLOR=Magenta). To end a change (of anything on this page) and go back to what it was before, type bracket (<) /FONT end bracket (>). Example: (/FONT).

Change the Size of Your Text
To change the size of your text, type bracket (<) FONT SIZE=# where # is a number between 1 and 5, 1 being the smallest and 5 being the biggest. Example: (FONT SIZE=3)

Chante the Font of Your Text

To change the font of your text, type bracket (<) FONT FACE=font where font is the name of the font you wish your text to be. End bracket (>). Example: (FONT FACE=New Century).